
Larapack - The Plugin Repository for Voyager

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Larapack - The Plugin Repository for Voyager

Explore how Larapack created a flexible plugin repository for the Voyager admin panel, empowering the Laravel community to extend and customize their admin interface through open-source collaboration.

Case Study: Larapack - The Plugin Repository for Voyager


Larapack was developed as a catalog of plugins, referred to as “Hooks”, that integrated seamlessly with Voyager, a missing admin panel solution for Laravel. Voyager’s admin panel is essential for managing the backend of Laravel applications, and Larapack provided an easy way for developers to extend Voyager’s functionality through additional plugins.


Voyager, while a powerful admin panel, needed additional features to cater to a wider range of business needs. However, building each of these features into Voyager's core would result in a bloated system, which could compromise performance. There was a clear need for a flexible solution that allowed users to customize and enhance their Voyager installation without compromising on performance or usability.


Larapack emerged as a plugin repository that allowed developers to submit and install their own Voyager-specific plugins. These plugins, known as “Hooks”, extended Voyager’s core capabilities. Larapack allowed the Laravel and Voyager community to:

  • Access a centralized repository of plugins for added functionality.
  • Submit their own plugins to the repository, encouraging open-source collaboration.
  • Install plugins directly from the Voyager admin panel without needing complex configurations.

The plugins in Larapack addressed common use cases such as managing relations and exporting data, which were not available in Voyager’s base installation. For example:

  • voyager-relation-selector: A plugin to handle complex relational data within Voyager.
  • voyager-excel: A plugin allowing easy export of data to Excel files.


To ensure seamless integration, Larapack was made accessible directly from the Voyager admin panel. This meant users could search for, install, and activate plugins with just a few clicks, without needing extensive technical knowledge or direct access to the codebase.

Larapack was linked prominently in the footer of Voyager’s website at voyager.devdojo.com, making it easy for users to find and access the plugin repository.


  • Community Growth: Larapack became a hub for developers looking to extend their Voyager installations. The open nature of the repository encouraged contributions, and over time, it grew to include numerous plugins addressing a variety of use cases.
  • Improved Flexibility: Voyager users now had the freedom to enhance their admin panel with features specific to their needs without affecting the core system’s performance or stability.
  • User Empowerment: The ability to customize Voyager without hiring a developer made it more accessible to non-technical users and smaller businesses.


Larapack’s integration with Voyager provided a flexible, user-friendly solution for extending Laravel’s admin panel. It empowered users to shape their admin interface to fit their unique needs and fostered a community of open-source contributions. By addressing the need for customizable, lightweight extensions, Larapack became an invaluable resource for the Voyager community.


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